July 9, 2020

Love of The Neighbor and Love of Self are Opposite Loves

Selection from Divine Providence Emanuel Swedenborg
• Love of the neighbor wishes well to everyone from itself, while love of self wishes well to itself alone from everyone.
• Love of the neighbor wishes to serve everyone, while love of self wishes everyone to serve it.
• Love of the neighbor regards everyone as its brother and friend, while love of self regards everyone as its servant, or as its enemy, if he does not serve it; in a word, it regards itself only, and others scarcely as men, holding them in heart in less estimation than its horses and dogs. And because it regards them as of so little account it thinks nothing of doing evil to them; and this is the source of hatred and revenge, adultery and whoredom, theft and fraud, lying and defamation, violence and cruelty, and other such evils. Such are the evils in which man is from birth.
(from Divine Providence 276)