Selection from Divine Love and Wisdom ~ Emanuel Swedenborg
Love and wisdom, and will and understanding therefrom, make the very life of man.Scarcely any one knows what life is. When one thinks about life, it seems as if it were a fleeting something, of which no distinct idea is possible. It so seems because it is not known that God alone is life, and that His life is Divine Love and Divine Wisdom. From this it is evident that in man, life is nothing else than love and wisdom, and that there is life in man in the degree in which he receives these.
It is known that heat and light go forth from the sun, and that all things in the universe are recipients and grow warm and bright in the degree in which they receive. So do heat and light go forth from the sun where the Lord is; the heat going forth therefrom is love, and the light wisdom. Life, therefore, is from these two which go forth from the Lord as a sun.
That love and wisdom from the Lord is life can be seen also from this, that man grows torpid as love recedes from him, and stupid as wisdom recedes from him, and that were they to recede altogether he would become extinct.
• There are many things pertaining to love which have received other names because they are derivatives, such as affections, desires, appetites, and their pleasures and enjoyments.All of these, in fact, pertain to both, but they are designated from the more prominent and nearer of the two.
• There are many things pertaining to wisdom, such as perception, reflection, recollection, thought, intention to an end.
• There are many pertaining to both love and wisdom, such as consent, conclusion, and determination to action; besides others.
From these two are derived ultimately sensations, those of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, with their enjoyments and pleasures. It is according to appearance that the eye sees; but it is the understanding that sees through the eye; consequently seeing is predicated also of the understanding. The appearance is that the ear hears; but it is the understanding that hears through the ear; consequently hearing is predicated also of attention and giving heed, which pertain to the understanding. The appearance is that the nose smells, and the tongue tastes but it is the understanding that smells and also tastes by virtue of its perception; therefore smelling and tasting are predicated also of perception. So in other cases.
The sources of all these are love and wisdom; from which it can be seen that these two make the life of man.
(Divine Love and Wisdom 363)