September 13, 2023

A Right Idea of Eternal and Infinite

Selection from Apocalypse Explained ~ Emanuel Swedenborg

As God is uncreate He is also eternal; for the life itself which is God is life in itself, not from itself, nor from nothing; thus it is without origin; and what is without origin is from eternity and is eternal. But an idea of anything without origin is impossible to the natural man; so, too, is the idea of God from eternity; but it is possible to the spiritual man.

The thought of the natural man cannot be separated and abstracted from the idea of time; this idea clings to him from nature, in which he is. Nor can his thought be separated and abstracted from the idea of origin, since origin means to him a beginning in time. The appearance in the sun's progression has impressed this idea on the natural man. But the thought of the spiritual man is abstracted from the idea of time, because it is raised above nature, and in place of that idea there is the idea of state of life, and in place of duration of time is an idea of the state of thought from affection, which constitutes life. For in the angelic heaven the sun does not rise or set or make years and days, as the sun in the world does; and for this reason the angels of heaven, because they are in spiritual ideas, think apart from time; consequently their idea of God from eternity does not take anything from origin, that is, from a beginning, but from state that it is eternal, and that everything therefore that is God and that proceeds from God is eternal, in other words, is Divine in itself. That this is so has been granted to perceive by an elevation above the natural idea into a spiritual idea.

From all this it is now clear that God, who is uncreate, is also eternal, also that it is impossible to think that nature is from eternity, or that it is from itself in time; but it is possible to think that God is from eternity, and that nature with time is from God.


As God is eternal He is also infinite, and as there is a natural idea and a spiritual idea of the eternal, so there is of the infinite. The natural idea of the eternal is from time, but the spiritual idea of it is not from time. And the natural idea of the infinite is from space, but the spiritual idea of it is not from space. For as life is not nature, so the two properties of nature, which are time and space, are not properties of life, for they were created with nature by the life which is God. The natural idea of the infinite God, which is from space, is that He fills the universe from end to end; but from this idea of the infinite there springs the thought that the inmost of nature is God, and thus that He is something extended, and yet everything extended belongs to matter.

As, therefore, the natural idea has nothing in common with the idea of life, of wisdom, and of love, which is God, so the infinite must be viewed from the spiritual idea, in which there is nothing of time and nothing of space, because there is in it nothing of nature. According to the spiritual idea, the Divine love is infinite and the Divine wisdom is infinite, and since the Divine love and the Divine wisdom are the life which is God the Divine life is also infinite; from which it follows that God is infinite. That the Divine wisdom is infinite can be seen from the wisdom of the angels of the third heaven. As these excel all others in wisdom, they perceive that there is no ratio between their wisdom and the Lord's Divine wisdom, because there is no ratio between the infinite and the finite. Moreover, they say that the first degree of wisdom is to see and acknowledge that this is so. The same is true of the Divine love. Furthermore, angels like men are recipient forms of life, thus they are recipients of wisdom and love from the Lord; and these forms are from substances that are without life, thus are in themselves dead, and between what is dead and what is living there is no ratio.

But how that finite receives the infinite can be illustrated by the light and heat of the sun of the world. The light itself and the heat itself from that sun are not material, and yet they affect material substances, the light by modifying them, and the heat by changing their states. The Lord's Divine wisdom is likewise light, and the Lord's Divine love is heat, but they are spiritual heat and light, because they proceed from the Lord as a sun, which is Divine love united to Divine wisdom; but the light and heat from the sun of the world are natural, because that sun is fire and not love.

(from Apocalypse Explained 1130 - 1131)