April 17, 2018

The Love of Uses is Charity

Selection from Apocalypse Explained ~ Emanuel Swedenborg
The love of uses is charity. In each and all things there are these three: an end, a cause, and an effect. The end is that "from which it originates" (a quo): the cause is that "by means of which it comes into existence" (per quod): and the effect is that "in which it has existence" (in quo).
When an end, by means of a cause, is in its effect, it then has existence.
In every love and in every affection from it, there is an end, and this end purposes or desires to do what it loves, and the thing done is its effect.
  • The Lord is the End "from which"
  • Man is the cause "by means of which"
  • and Use is the effect "in which" the end has existence.
  • The Lord is the End "from which," because out of His Divine Love He unceasingly purposes or wills to do uses, that is, goods to mankind
  • Man is the cause "by means of which," because a man is, or can be, in the love of uses, and when in that love, he purposes or wills to do uses
  • and Uses are the effects "in which" the end has existence; uses are the things that are also called "goods".
This shows clearly that the love of uses is the charity a man ought to have towards his neighbour.

That there is an end, a cause, and an effect in each and all things can be tested by anything whatever: as, for instance, when a man is doing something, he will say either to himself or to some one else, or some one else will say to him, Why are you doing that? that is, what is your "end" (or purpose): How do you do that? that is, by what "cause" (or means): and, What are you doing? that is, what is the "effect."

The end, the cause and the effect are also termed "the end-cause" (causa finalis), "the middle cause" and "the thing caused";
it is by reason of a law in regard to causes that "the end" is the all in the cause, and thereby the all in the effect, the "end" being the very essence of them both.
Similarly the Lord, because He is "the End," is the All in the love of uses, or charity, with a man, and thereby He is the All in the uses done by him, that is, in the uses done by means of him. From this is the belief in the Church that all good is from God and none from man; and that God is Good Itself. It follows as a consequence, therefore, that exercising charity is doing uses, or the goods that are uses; and so, that the love of uses is charity.
(Divine Wisdom XI:1,2)