April 19, 2018

The 'Love' In Which the Lord Can Dwells

Selection from Divine Wisdom ~ Emanuel Swedenborg
Use is fulfilling one's duty and doing one's work, rightly, faithfully, honestly and justly. What the proper meaning is of "goods of charity" in the Word, also called "works" and "fruits," and here called "uses," is not known except in a vague way and by some people only. On the basis of the literal sense of the Word, uses are believed to consist in "giving to the poor," "assisting those in need," "doing kindnesses to widows and orphans," and things of that kind. These uses, however, are not what is meant in the Word by "fruits," "works" and the "goods of charity". What is meant is -
carrying out one's duty, whether in the public service, or in business, or in employment, rightly, faithfully, honestly and justly;
when this is being done, then the welfare of the "general body of people or mankind" is being cared for, and thus, the welfare of one's country, too, as well as that of societies larger or smaller, and of one's fellow-citizen, companion and brother; these...are the neighbor in its broad and narrow senses. For every one, whether priest, ruler, or official, merchant, or workman, is then doing uses every day: the priest by his preaching: the ruler and the official by their administering: the merchant by his trading: the workman by his labor. Take, for example, a judge who passes judgment rightly, faithfully, honestly and justly: he is performing a use to the neighbor every time he passes judgment; similarly a minister every time he teaches: and so with all the others.

That such uses are meant by "goods of charity" and by "works" is clear from the Lord's government in the heavens. There, just as in the world, everyone must be in some function and service, that is, in some office or in some work; and proportionate to the faithfulness, honesty and justice they exercise in it, are the distinction, splendor and happiness they enjoy. Sluggards and idlers are not admitted into heaven, but are cast out, either into hell or into a desert place, where they live in want of everything and in misery.

Such are the things that in the heavens are called goods of charity, works and uses. Furthermore, everyone who is faithful, honest and just in his occupation or employment in the world is also faithful, honest and just after departing from the world, and is welcomed in heaven by angels.

Moreover, everyone's heavenly joy is in accordance with the quality of his faithfulness, honesty and justice. The reason for this is that -
the mind, when devoted to its occupation or employment from a love of use, is kept knit together, and so, kept in spiritual delight, which is a delight in faithfulness, honesty and justice, and is withheld from delight in fraud and dishonesty, as well as from delight in mere gossiping and feasting, which is, moreover, delight in idleness, and idleness is the devil's couch.
Everyone can see that the Lord cannot dwell in a love for these latter things, whereas in a love for the former He can.
(Divine Wisdom XI: 133,134)