December 27, 2024

The Turning of Angels and Spirits to Their Own Loves

Selection from Divine Love and Wisdom ~ Emanuel Swedenborg


• What is a Spirit, What is an Angel

It shall first be explained what a spirit is, and what an angel is. Every man after death comes, in the first place, into the world of spirits, which is midway between heaven and hell, and there passes through his own times, that is, his own states, and becomes prepared, according to his life, either for heaven or for hell.

So long as one stays in that world he is called a spirit. He who has been raised out of that world into heaven is called an angel; but he who has been cast down into hell is called either a satan or a devil.

So long as these continue in the world of spirits, he who is preparing for heaven is called an angelic spirit; and he who is preparing for hell, an infernal spirit; meanwhile the angelic spirit is conjoined with heaven, and the infernal spirit with hell.

All spirits in the world of spirits are adjoined to men; because men, in respect to the interiors of their minds, are in like manner between heaven and hell, and through these spirits they communicate with heaven or with hell according to their life.

It is to be observed that the world of spirits is one thing, and the spiritual world another; the world of spirits is that which has just been spoken of; but the spiritual world includes that world, and heaven and hell.

• The Turning of Angels and Spirits to Their Own Loves

Since the subject now under consideration is the turning of angels and spirits to their own loves by reason of these loves, something shall be said also about loves.

The whole heaven is divided into societies according to all the differences of loves; in like manner hell, and in like manner the world of spirits. But heaven is divided into societies according to the differences of heavenly loves; hell into societies according to the differences of infernal loves; and the world of spirits, according to the differences of loves both heavenly and infernal.

There are two loves which are the heads of all the rest, that is, to which all other loves are referable; the love which is the head of all heavenly loves, or to which they all relate, is love to the Lord; and the love which is the head of all infernal loves, or to which they all relate, is the love of rule springing from the love of self. These two loves are diametrically opposed to each other.

Since these two loves — love toward the Lord and a love of ruling stemming from a love of self — are altogether opposed to each other, and because people who are prompted by love toward the Lord all turn to the Lord as the sun, it can be seen that people who are prompted by a love of ruling stemming from a love of self all turn their back to the Lord.

They turn thus in opposite directions for the reason that people who are prompted by love toward the Lord love nothing more than to be led by the Lord, and they want the Lord alone to rule, whereas people who are prompted by a love of ruling stemming from a love of self love nothing more than to lead themselves, and they want only themselves to rule.

We say a love of ruling stemming from a love of self, because a love of ruling is possible that stems from a love of performing useful services, a love which, because it goes hand in hand with love for the neighbor, is a spiritual love. But this love cannot be called a love of ruling, but a love of performing useful services.

Every spirit, of whatever quality, turns to his own ruling love, because love is the life of every one; and life turns its receptacles, called members, organs, and viscera, thus the whole man, to that society which is in a love similar to itself, thus where its own love is.

Since the love of rule springing from love of self is wholly opposed to love to the Lord, the spirits who are in that love of rule turn the face backwards from the Lord, and therefore look with their eyes to the western quarters of the spiritual world; and being thus bodily in a reversed position, they have the east behind them, the north at their right, and the south at their left. They have the east behind them because they hate the Lord; they have the north at their right, because they love fallacies and falsities therefrom; and they have the south at their left, because they despise the light of wisdom. They may turn themselves round and round, and yet all things which they see about them appear similar to their love. All such are sensual-natural; and some are of such a nature as to imagine that they alone live, looking upon others as images. They believe themselves to be wise above all others, though in truth they are insane.

In the spiritual world ways are seen, laid out like ways in the natural world — some leading to heaven, and some to hell — but the ways leading to hell are not visible to those going to heaven, nor are the ways leading to heaven visible to those going to hell. There are countless ways of this kind; for there are ways which lead to every society of heaven and to every society of hell. Each spirit enters the way which leads to the society of his own love, nor does he see the ways leading in other directions. Thus it is that each spirit, as he turns himself to his ruling love, goes forward in it.

(from Divine Love and Wisdom 140 - 145)