November 15, 2023

The State of the Interiors of the Mind

Selection from Heaven and Hell ~ Emanuel Swedenborg
Of the Will and Thought

Whoever gives any thought to man's life and speech and action can know that everyone has exteriors and interiors, that is, exterior and interior thoughts and intentions. This he can know from these things. —
In civil life one thinks about others in accordance with what he has heard and learned of them by report or conversation; but he does not talk with them in accordance with his thought; and if they are evil he nevertheless treats them with civility. That this is so is known especially in the case of pretenders and flatterers, who speak and act in one way and think and will in a wholly different way; also in the case of hypocrites, who talk about God and heaven and the salvation of souls and the truths of the Church and their country's good and their neighbour as if from faith and love, although in heart they believe otherwise and love themselves alone.
From these things it can be established that there are two kinds of thought, one exterior and the other interior; and that there are those who speak from exterior thought, while from their interior thought they have other sentiments, and that these two kinds of thought are kept separate, since the interior is carefully prevented from flowing into the exterior and becoming manifest in any way.

By creation man is so formed as to have his interior and exterior thought make one by correspondence; and these make one in those who are in good, for such both think and speak what is good only. But in those who are in evil, interior and exterior thought do not make one, for such think what is evil and say what is good. With such there is an inversion of order, for good with them is on the outside and evil within; and in consequence, evil has dominion over good, and subjects it to itself as a servant, that it may serve it as a means for gaining its ends, which are of the same nature as their love. Because there is such an end in the good that they seek and do, it is evident that good with them is not good, but is infected with evil, however good it may appear in external form to those not acquainted with their interiors.

It is otherwise with those who are in good. With such, order is not inverted; but good from interior thought flows into exterior thought, and thus into speech and act. This is the order into which man was created; for in heaven, and in the light of heaven, such are the interiors of those there. And as the light of heaven is the Divine Truth that goes forth from the Lord, and consequently is the Lord in heaven, therefore such are led by the Lord.

All these things have been said to make known that every man has interior thought and exterior thought, and that these are distinct from each other. When thought is mentioned, will also is understood, for thought is from the will, and no one can think apart from the will. All this makes clear what is meant by the state of man's exteriors and the state of his interiors.

When will and thought are mentioned, then by will is also meant affection and love, and all the delight and pleasure that spring from affection and love, since all these relate to the will as to their subject; for what a man wills he loves and feels to be delightful or pleasurable; and on the other hand, what a man loves and feels to be delightful or pleasurable, that he wills. But by thought is then meant everything by which he confirms his affection or love, for thought is simply the will's form, or that whereby what is willed may appear in light. This form is made apparent through various rational analyses, which have their origin in the spiritual world and belong properly to the spirit of man

It is to be known that man is wholly such as his interiors are, and not such as his exteriors are, separate from his interiors. This is because his interiors belong to his spirit, and the life of his spirit is the life of man, for from it his body lives; and because of this, such as a man is as to his interiors, such he continues to be to eternity. But as the exteriors pertain to the body, they are separated after death, and those of them that adhere to the spirit are laid asleep, and serve purely as a plane for the interiors, as has been shown above in treating of the memory of man which continues after death. This makes clear what is man's own and what is not his own, namely, that with the evil nothing belonging to the exterior thought from which they speak, or to the exterior will from which they act, is their own, but only that belonging to their interior thought and will.

(Heaven and Hell 499 - 501)