Selection from Heaven and Hell ~ Emanuel Swedenborg
In the spiritual world, or in the world where spirits and angels are, similar objects appear as in the natural world, or where men are. These are similar in that as to external appearance there is no difference. In that world appear plains and mountains, hills and rocks, and valleys between them; also waters, and many other things that are seen on earth. But yet all these things are from a spiritual origin, and all appear therefore before the eyes of spirits and angels, and not before the eyes of men, because men are in the natural world. Spiritual beings see the things that are from a spiritual origin, and natural beings the things that are from a natural origin. Consequently, man with his eyes can in no way see the objects that are in the spiritual world unless he is permitted to be in the spirit, or after death when he becomes a spirit. On the other hand, an angel and a spirit are unable to see anything at all in the natural world unless they are with a man who is permitted to speak with them. For the eyes of man are adapted to the reception of the light of the natural world, and the eyes of angels and spirits are adapted to the reception of the light of the spiritual world; although the eyes of the two are exactly alike in appearance. That the spiritual world is such, the natural man cannot comprehend, and least of all the sensual man, who believes nothing except what he sees with his bodily eyes and touches with his hands, and therefore takes in by sight and touch. He thinks from these things, so his thought is material and not spiritual. Such being the likeness between the spiritual world and the natural world, man after death can hardly believe otherwise than that he is in the world where he was born, and from which he has departed. For this reason they call death simply a translation from one world into another like it. (That the two worlds are thus alike can be seen [from these next passages], where the representatives and appearances in heaven have been treated of.)The man who thinks from natural light alone is unable to comprehend that there is anything in heaven like what is in the world, the reason being that from natural light he had thought and confirmed himself in the idea that angels are only minds and that minds are, as it were, ethereal breaths having, as a consequence, no senses like those of men, thus no eyes and if no eyes no objects of sight. Yet, an angel has all the senses that a man has, and much more exquisite senses. Indeed, the light by which angels see is much brighter than the light by which man sees.The heavens are in the more elevated localities of the spiritual world, the world of spirits in those that are low-lying, and under both are the hells. The heavens are not visible to the spirits in the world of spirits except when their interior sight is opened; although they are sometimes visible as mists or as bright clouds. This is because the angels of heaven are in an interior state as to intelligence and wisdom; and for this reason they are above the sight of those who are in the world of spirits. But spirits who are in the plains and valleys see one another; and yet when they are separated there, which takes place when they are let into their interiors, then the evil spirits do not see the good spirits; but the good spirits can see the evil spirits. Nevertheless, the good spirits turn themselves away from the evil spirits; and when spirits turn themselves away they become invisible. But the hells do not appear because they are closed up. Only the entrances, which are called gates, are seen when they are opened to let in other like spirits. All the gates to the hells open from the world of spirits, and none of them from heaven.
The nature of the objects that are visible to angels in the heavens cannot be described in a few words. For the most part, they are like things on earth but more perfect in form and more abundant in number. That such things are in the heavens can be confirmed from the things seen by the prophets - as by • Ezekiel, in respect of the new temple and the new earth, described from chapter 40 - 48 • Daniel from chapter 7- 12 • John from the first to the last chapter of the Revelation, and by others, as described both in the historical and the prophetical parts of the Word. These things were seen by them when heaven was opened to them, and heaven is said to be opened when the interior sight, which is the sight of man's spirit, is opened. For the things that are in the heavens cannot be seen by the eyes of a man's body, but are seen by the eyes of his spirit. When it seems good to the Lord, these are opened and man is then withdrawn from the natural light in which he is from the senses of the body, and is raised up into a spiritual light in which he is from his spirit. In that light the things that are in the heavens have been seen by me.
But although the things seen in the heavens are for the most part like those on the earth, yet in essence they are unlike. For the things in the heavens come into existence from the Sun of heaven, and those on earth from the sun of the world. The things which come into existence from the Sun of heaven are called spiritual, but those which come into existence from the sun of the world are called natural.
The things which come into existence in the heavens do not do so in the same manner as do the things on earth. In the heavens, all things come into existence from the Lord in accordance with their correspondences with the interiors of the angels. For angels have both interiors and exteriors. All things in their interiors have relation to love and faith, thus to the will and the understanding, for the will and the understanding are their receptacles, while their exteriors correspond to their interiors.
Exteriors correspond to interiors. This can be illustrated by the heat and light of heaven - that angels have heat in accordance with the quality of their love, and light in accordance with the quality of their wisdom. The same is true of all other things that present themselves before the senses of the angels.
When I have been permitted to be in company with angels, the things that were there appeared to me precisely the same as those in the world, and so plainly that I did not know but that I was in the world and in a king's palace there. I also spoke with the angels as man with man.
Since all things that correspond to interiors also represent them, they are therefore called REPRESENTATIVES, and because they are varied in accordance with the state of the interiors of the angels, they are also called APPEARANCES. Nevertheless, the things that appear before the eyes of angels in the heavens and are perceived by their senses, appear and are perceived just as true to life as do things on earth to men, nay rather, much more clearly, distinctly and perceptibly. Appearances of this kind in heaven are called real appearances, because they have real existence. Appearances that are not real also occur, which are such as do appear but do not correspond to interiors.
To show what the things are that appear to the angels in accordance with correspondences, I would here mention this one instance only for the sake of illustration. By those who are intelligent, gardens and paradises full of trees and flowers of every kind are seen. The trees there are planted in most beautiful order, entwined in cross-beam formation with arched entrances and encircling walks. All is of such beauty as to beggar description. There walk those who are in intelligence, gathering flowers and weaving garlands with which they adorn little children. There are also kinds of trees and flowers there that are never seen and cannot exist in the world. On the trees also there are fruits that are in accordance with the good of love in which are the intelligent. Such things are seen by them because a garden or park, and fruit trees and flowers correspond to intelligence and wisdom. That there are such things in heaven is acknowledged on the earth but only by those who are in good and who have not extinguished in themselves the light of heaven by means of natural light and its fallacies, for when they think about heaven they think and say that there are such things there as ear hath not heard nor eye seen.(from Heaven and Hell 170-176)
The hells are everywhere, both under the mountains, hills, and rocks, and under the plains and valleys. The openings or gates to the hells that are under the mountains, hills, and rocks, appear to the sight like holes and clefts in the rocks, some extended and wide, and some straitened and narrow, and many of them rugged. They all, when looked into, appear dark and dusky; but the infernal spirits who are in them are in such a luminosity as arises from burning coals. Their eyes are adapted to the reception of that light, and for the reason that —
while they lived in the world they were in thick darkness as to Divine truths, because of their denying them, and were in a sort of light as to falsities because of their affirming them.From all these things it has been made very clearly evident that man comes into the light of heaven just to the extent that he acknowledges the Divine, and establishes with himself the things of heaven and the Church; and that he comes into the thick darkness of hell just to the extent that he denies the Divine, and establishes with himself the things that are opposed to those of heaven and the Church.
In this way did the sight of their eyes become so formed.
And for the same reason, the light of heaven is thick darkness to them, and therefore when they go out of their dens they see nothing.
(from Heaven and Hell 582-584)