February 23, 2019


The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine
Emanuel Swedenborg
Doctrinal Series
(pt. 6)

No man can be regenerated unless he knows such things as are of the new life, that is, of spiritual life. ... These he must learn from revelation.

As that:
• the Lord, who is God from eternity, came into the world to save the human race;
• He has all power in heaven and in earth;
• the all of faith and the all of charity, thus all truth and good, is from Him; that there is a heaven, and a hell;
• man is to live to eternity, in heaven if he has done well, in hell if he has done evil.
These and many other things belong to faith, which the man who is regenerating ought to know; for he who knows them, may think them, afterwards will them, and lastly do them, and so have new life. Whilst he who does not know that the Lord is the Savior of the human race, cannot have faith in Him, love Him, and thus do good for the sake of Him. He who does not know that all good is from Him, cannot think that his own salvation is from Him, still less can he will it to be so, thus he cannot live from Him. He who does not know that there is a hell and a heaven, nor that there is eternal life, cannot even think about the life of heaven, nor apply himself to receive it, and so in other cases.
(from The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine 177, 178)