November 14, 2018


The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine
Emanuel Swedenborg
 Doctrinal Series 
(pt. 3)

Because the conjunction of good and truth is an image of marriage, it is plain that good loves truth, and truth, in its turn, loves good, and that one desires to be conjoined with the other. The man of the church, who has not such love and such desire, is not in the heavenly marriage, consequently the church as yet is not in him; for the conjunction of good and truth constitutes the church.
(The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine 15)
In the manuscript, the author, Emanuel Swedenborg, annexed to each section of the doctrine extracts from the Arcana Coelestia, because in the Arcana Coelestia the same things are more fully explained.  Arcana Coelestia is available in print or online.