The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine
Emanuel Swedenborg
• Doctrinal Series •
(pt. 13)
They who make the Human of the Lord like the human of another man, do not think of His conception from the Divine itself, nor do they consider that the body of everyone is an effigy of his soul. Neither do they think of His resurrection with the whole body; nor of His appearance when He was transformed, that His face shone as the sun. Neither do they think, respecting those things which the Lord said concerning faith in Him, concerning His unity with the Father, concerning His glorification, and concerning His power over heaven and earth, that these are Divine, and were said of His Human. Neither do they remember that the Lord is omnipresent also as to His Human (Matt. 23:20); when yet the faith of His omnipresence in the Holy Supper is thence derived; omnipresence is Divine. Yea, perhaps they do not think that the Divine, which is called the Holy Spirit, proceeds from His Human; when yet it proceeds from His glorified Human, for it is said:
The Holy Spirit was not yet, because Jesus was not yet glorified (John 7:39).
(The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine 292)