August 7, 2018

Faith (pt. 18)

Selection from True Christian Religion ~ Emanuel Swedenborg
(Continued pt. 18)
It is very evident from their Epistles that it never entered the mind of any of the apostles that the church of this day would separate faith from charity by teaching that faith alone justifies and saves apart from the works of the law, and that charity therefore cannot be conjoined with faith, since faith is from God, and charity, so far as it is expressed in works, is from man. But this separation and division were introduced into the Christian church when it divided God into three persons, and ascribed to each equal Divinity. But that there is no faith apart from charity, nor any charity apart from faith, and that neither has life except from the Lord, will be made clear in the following chapter.

At present, to prepare the way, it shall be shown (in the upcoming articles):
(1) That man can acquire for himself faith.
(2) And also charity.
(3) And also the life of both.
(4) And yet that nothing of faith, of charity, or of the life of either, is from man, but from the Lord alone.
(True Christian Religion 355)
To be continued...

August 6, 2018

Faith (pt. 17)

Selection from True Christian Religion ~ Emanuel Swedenborg
(Continued pt. 17)
An abundance of truths cohering, as in a bundle, exalts and perfects faith
(4) However numerous the truths of faith are, and however diverse they appear, they make one from the Lord, who is the Word, the God of heaven and earth, the God of all flesh, the God of the vineyard or church, the God of faith, light itself, the truth, and life eternal.

The truths of faith are various, and to man they seem diverse; some, for example, have relation to God the Creator, others to the Lord the Redeemer, others to the Holy Spirit and the Divine Operation, others to faith and charity, others to freedom of choice, repentance, reformation and regeneration, imputation, and so on; still in the Lord and in man from the Lord they make one, like many branches on one vine (John 15:1, seq.).
For the Lord unites scattered and separate truths into one form, as it were, in which they present one aspect and exhibit one action.
This may be illustrated by a comparison with the members, viscera and organs in one body; which although various, and in man's sight diverse, are nevertheless felt by man, who is their general form, to be one, and when he is acting from them all he acts as if from one. It is the same with heaven, which, although divided into innumerable societies, still in the Lord's sight appears as a one. (That heaven appears as one Man has been shown above (previous chapters in work entitled True Christian Religion*). It is the same again with a kingdom, which although divided into several governments, and also into provinces and cities, still makes one under a king who governs with justice and judgment. So do the truths of faith from which the church is a church make one from the Lord, because -
the Lord is the Word, the God of heaven and earth, the God of all flesh, the God of the vineyard or church, the God of faith, light itself, the truth, and life eternal.
That the Lord is the Word, and therefore all truth of heaven and the church, is evident from John:
The Word was with God, and God was the Word, and the Word became flesh (1:1, 14).

That the Lord is the God of heaven and earth is evident from Matthew:
Jesus said, All power hath been given unto Me in heaven and on earth (28:18).

That the Lord is the God of all flesh, can be seen from John
The Father gave to the Son power over all flesh (17:2).

That the Lord is the God of the vineyard or church, in Isaiah:
My well-beloved hath a vineyard (5:1);

and in John:
I am the Vine, ye are the branches (15:5).

That the Lord is the God of faith, Paul teaches:
Having the righteousness, which is from the faith of Christ, from the God of faith (Phil. 3:9).

That the Lord is light itself, appears from John:
There was the true Light, which lighteth every man coming into the world (1:9).

And elsewhere:
Jesus said, I come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth in Me may not abide in darkness (John 12:46).

That the Lord is the truth itself, appears from John:
Jesus said, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (14:6).

That the Lord is life eternal, in John:
We know that the Son of God is come that we may know Him that is True, even His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life (1 John 5:20).

To this must be added, that owing to his worldly occupations man can acquire for himself only a few of the truths of faith; nevertheless if he goes to the Lord and worships Him alone, he acquires the power to gain a knowledge of all truths. Therefore every true worshiper of God, as soon as he hears any truth of faith which he has not known before, at once sees, acknowledges, and accepts it; and for the reason that the Lord is in him, and he in the Lord; and consequently the light of truth is in him, and he is in the light of truth; for as before said, the Lord is light itself, and truth itself.

This may be corroborated by the following experience:
A spirit appeared to me, who in the company of some others seemed simple, because he had acknowledged the Lord alone as the God of heaven and earth, and had strengthened this his faith by certain truths from the Word; this spirit was taken up into heaven among the wiser angels; and it was told me that there he was as wise as they; and that altogether as if from himself he spoke truths in great abundance, of which he had before known nothing.
In a like state will those be who come into the Lord's New Church. This is the state that is described in Jeremiah:
This shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; after those days I will put my law in their inward parts, and upon their hearts I will write it and they shall teach no more every man his fellow, or every man his brother, saying, Know Jehovah; for they shall all know Me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them (31:33, 34).

It is such a state that is described in Isaiah:
There shall go forth a Shoot out of the stem of Jesse; truth shall be the girdle of His thighs. There the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid. The suckling shall play on the hole of the adder, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the basilisk's den; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of Jehovah, as the waters cover the sea. In that day the nations shall seek a Root of Jesse, to it shall the Gentiles seek; and His rest shall be glory (11:1, 5, 6, 8, 10).
(True Christian Religion 354)
To be continued...
* True Christian Religion, Author Emanuel Swedenborg is available online or in bookstores.

August 5, 2018

Faith (pt. 16)

Selection from True Christian Religion ~ Emanuel Swedenborg
(Continued pt. 16)
An abundance of truths cohering, as in a bundle, exalts and perfects faith
(3) According to the Abundance and Coherence of Truths — Faith is perfected.
This follows from the preceding statements (in previous articles), and is evident to everyone who collects reasons, and observes carefully what multiplied series of them effect when they cohere as a unit; for then one series strengthens and confirms another, and together they constitute a form which when put in action is manifested as a single act. Since then faith in its essence is truth, it follows, that according to the abundance and coherence of truths it becomes more and more perfectly spiritual, therefore less and less sensual-natural; for it is raised up into a higher region of the mind, from which it sees beneath it troops of confirmations or itself in the nature of the world.

True faith by an abundance of truths cohering as if in a bundle also becomes more lustrous, more perceptible, more evident, and clearer; and, becomes also more capable of conjunction with the goods of charity, consequently more capable of alienation from evils, and gradually more removed from the allurements of the eye and the lusts of the flesh, therefore in itself happier. Especially does it become more powerful against evils and falsities, and thus more and more living and saving.

It has been said above, that-
in heaven every truth gives forth light, and therefore that faith in its essence is truth giving forth light
consequently the beauty and comeliness of faith caused by that glow, when truths of faith are multiplied, may be compared to various forms, objects, and pictures, formed by different colors harmoniously combined; also to the precious stones of various colors in the breastplate of Aaron, which together were called the Urim and Thummim; in like manner to the precious stones of which the foundations of the wall of the New Jerusalem are to be built (see Rev. 21). It may also be compared to the precious stones of many colors in a king's crown. Indeed, precious stones signify truths of faith. It may also be compared to the beauty of the rainbow, of a field of flowers, or of a blooming garden in early spring.

The light and glory of faith from an abundance of concordant truths fitly arranged in it may be compared to the illumination of churches by numerous candelabra, or of houses by chandeliers, or of streets by lamps.

The exaltation of faith by an abundance of truths, may be illustrated by comparison with the increase of sound and also of melody, arising from many musical instruments played in concert; and with the increase of fragrance arising from a collection of sweetly-exhaling flowers; and so on.

The power of a faith formed from a multiplicity of truths, as opposed to falsities and evils, may be compared to the firmness of a church built of stones properly laid, with columns built into its walls, and under its fretted ceiling; it may also be compared to a battalion formed in square, where the soldiers stand side by side, and thus form and act as one force; it may also be compared to the muscles of which the whole body is interwoven, which although so numerous and so differently located, still in action constitute one power; and so on.
(True Christian Religion 352 -353)
To be continued...

August 4, 2018

Faith (pt. 15)

Selection from True Christian Religion ~ Emanuel Swedenborg
(Continued pt. 15)
An abundance of truths cohering, as in a bundle, exalts and perfects faith
(2) The Truths of Faith are disposed into Series, thus, as it were into bundles.

This has been hitherto unknown. It is unknown because the spiritual truths of which the whole Word is composed could not be seen, owing to the mystical and enigmatical faith which forms every point of the present theology; consequently, they have been buried in the earth like storehouses.

To make clear what is meant by series and bundles, it shall be explained.

The first chapter of this book, [True Christian Religion*] which treats of God the Creator, is divided into a series of sections — the first of which treats of the Unity of God, the second the Being of God or Jehovah, the third the Infinity of God, the fourth the Essence of God (which is Divine love and Divine wisdom) the fifth the Omnipotence of God, and the sixth Creation.  The arrangement of each section into its articles constitutes the series, and the contents of these are bound together as if into bundles. These series in general and in particular, thus conjointly and separately, contain truths which, according to their abundance and coherence, exalt and perfect faith.

He who does not know that the human mind is organized, or that it is a spiritual organism terminating in a natural organism, in which and according to which the mind produces its ideas or thinks, must needs suppose that perceptions, thoughts, and ideas are nothing but radiations and variations of light flowing into the head, and presenting forms which man sees and acknowledges as reasons. But this is foolishness; for everyone knows that the head is full of brains, that the brains are organized, and that in them the mind dwells, and that its ideas are fixed therein, and are permanent so far as they are accepted and confirmed. The question is, therefore, What is the nature of that organization? The answer is, that it is an arrangement of all things in series, as it were in bundles, and that in this way the truths belonging to faith are arranged in the human mind. That it is so, may be illustrated as follows.

The brain consists of two substances, one of which is glandular, and is called the cortical and cineritious substance, and the other fibrillous, and is called the medullary substance. The first, or the glandular substance, is arranged into clusters like grapes on a vine; these clustered formations are its series. The second, or the medullary substance, consists of perpetual bundlings of little fibers issuing from the glandules of the former substance; these bundlings are its series. All the nerves that proceed from the brain, and pass down into the body for the performance of various functions, are nothing but groups and bundles of fibers; in a like manner all the muscles, and in general all the viscera and organs of the body. All these are such because they correspond to the series in which the mental organism is arranged.

Moreover, in all nature there is nothing that is not formed into series of little bundles; every tree, every bush, shrub and plant, nay, every ear of corn and blade of grass in whole and in part, is so formed. The universal cause is, that such is the confirmation of Divine truths; for we read that all things were created by the Word, that is, by Divine truth, and that the world also was made by it (John 1:1, seq.).

From all this it can be seen that unless there were such an arrangement of substances in the human mind, man would possess no ability to reason analytically, which everyone has according to this arrangement, thus according to his supply of truths cohering, as it were, in a bundle; and the arrangement is in accord with his use of reason from freedom.
(True Christian Religion 351)
* True Christian Religion, Author Emanuel Swedenborg is available online or in bookstores.
To be continued...

August 3, 2018

Faith (pt. 14)

Selection from True Christian Religion ~ Emanuel Swedenborg
(Continued pt. 14)
An abundance of truths cohering, as in a bundle, exalts and perfects faith
(1) The Truths of Faith may be multiplied to Infinity.

This is evident from the fact that the wisdom of the angels of heaven increases to eternity.

Moreover, the angels say that there is no end to wisdom, as its source is no other than Divine truths analytically distributed into forms by means of light flowing in from the Lord. Such human intelligence as is truly intelligence is from no other source.

Divine truth may be multiplied to infinity, because the Lord is Divine truth itself, or truth in its infinity, and He draws all men to Himself; but as angels and men are finite they can follow the current of the attraction only according to their measure, although the force of the attraction persists to infinity.

The Lord's Word is a great deep of truths from which comes all angelic wisdom, although to the man who knows nothing of its spiritual and celestial meanings, it appears like the water in a pitcher.

The multiplication of the truths of faith to infinity may be compared to the seed of men, from one of whom may be propagated families to ages of ages.

The proliferation of the truths of faith may be compared to the proliferation of seeds in a field or a garden, which may be propagated to myriads of myriads and perpetually.

In the Word "seed" means nothing but truth, "field" means doctrine, and "garden" wisdom.

The human mind is like soil, in which spiritual and natural truths are implanted like seeds and may be endlessly multiplied. Man derives this from the infinity of God, who is perpetually in man with His heat and light, and the faculty of generating.
(True Christian Religion 350)
To be continued...

August 2, 2018

Faith (pt. 13)

Selection from True Christian Religion ~ Emanuel Swedenborg
(Continued pt. 13)
An abundance of truths cohering, as in a bundle, exalts and perfects faith
From the conception of faith that prevails at the present day it cannot be seen that -
faith in its compass is a complex of truths, still less that man can contribute anything toward acquiring faith for himself
and yet faith in its essence is truth; for it is truth in its own right, and -
as truth can be acquired so also can faith.
Who cannot go to the Lord if he will? Who cannot collect truths from the Word if he will? And every truth in the Word and from the Word, gives light; and truth in light is faith. The Lord who is Light itself, flows into every man; and in everyone in whom there are truths from the Word, He causes truths to shine and thus to become truths of faith. And this is what the Lord teaches in John:
That they should abide in Him, and His words in them (15:7).
The Lord's words are truths.

But to make it properly understood that an abundance of truths cohering as if in a bundle exalts and perfects faith, the consideration of the subject shall distributed under the following heads:
(1) Truths of faith may be multiplied to infinity.
(2) They are disposed into series, thus, as it were, into bundles.
(3) According to their abundance and coherence faith is perfected.
(4) However numerous truths are and however diverse they appear, they make one from the Lord, who is the Word, the God of heaven and earth, the God of all faith, the God of the vineyard or the church, the God of faith, light itself, the truth, and life eternal.
(True Christian Religion 349)
To be continued...

August 1, 2018

Faith (pt. 12)

Selection from True Christian Religion ~ Emanuel Swedenborg
(Continued pt. 12)
Man Acquires Faith -
by going to the Lord, learning truths from the Word, and living according to them.
From the foregoing (previous articles)it is clear that there are three things by which faith is formed in man; first by going to the Lord; secondly, by learning truths from the Word; and thirdly, by living according to them.

Now as these are three things - and one not the same as another - it follows that they can be separated; for a man may go to the Lord, and not know any but historical truths respecting God and the Lord.

Also a man may know truths from the Word in abundance, and yet not live according to them.

But in the man in whom these three things are separated, that is, in whom one is apart from the other, there is no saving faith.
Saving faith arises when the three are conjoined, and becomes such as the conjunction is.
Where these three things are separated, faith is like a sterile seed, which when dropped in the earth moulders into dust. But where the three are conjoined, faith is like a seed in the ground which grows up to a tree, and the fruit of it is according to their conjunction.

Where these three things are separated, faith is like an egg which contains no prolific principle; but where they are conjoined, faith is like an egg that can produce a beautiful bird.

The faith of those in whom these three things are separated, may be likened to the eye of a fish or of a crab when cooked; but the faith of those in whom the three are conjoined, may be likened to an eye translucent from the crystalline humor even to and through the uvea of the iris.

Separated faith is like a picture drawn in dark colors on a black stone; but conjoined faith is like a picture drawn in beautiful colors on a transparent crystal.

The light of a separated faith may be compared to that of a firebrand in the hand of a traveler at night; while the light of a conjoined faith may be compared to that of a blazing torch which when waved about shows plainly each step of the way.

Faith without truths is like a vine bearing wild grapes; but faith from truths is like a vine bearing clusters full of noble wine.

Faith in the Lord destitute of truths may be compared to a new star appearing in the expanse of heaven, which in time grows dim; but faith in the Lord together with truths may be compared to a fixed star, which remains constant.

Truth is the essence of faith; therefore, as the truth is, such is the faith; without truths it is a wandering faith, but with them it is fixed.

Moreover, faith from truths shines in heaven like a star.
(True Christian Religion 348)
To be continued...