February 6, 2015

Having a Just Idea of God

Selection from Divine Love and Wisdom ~ Emanuel Swedenborg
How important it is to have a correct idea of God can be known from the truth that the idea of God constitutes the inmost of thought with all who have religion, for all things of religion and all things of worship look to God.  And since God, universally and in particular, is in all things of religion and of worship, without a proper idea of God, no communication with the heavens is possible.

From this it is that in the spiritual world every nation has its place allotted in accordance with its idea of God as a Man; for in this idea, and in no other, is the idea of the Lord.

That man's state of life after death is according to the idea of God in which he has become confirmed, is manifest from the opposite of this, namely, that the denial of God, and, in the Christian world, the denial of the Divinity of the Lord, constitutes hell.
(Divine Love and Wisdom 13)